Сообразительный и технически подкованный, но немного отстраненный кадет, выросший в крупнейшем мегаполисе Земли. По слухам, до участия в Программе жила отдельно от своих родителей.
Правила по технике для кадетов
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Ариана Ларкинз
Sonically we're in control
We're the diamond in your soul
Images come thick and fast
From the future, from the past
The film starts, the film ends
Nothing is said in between
Just sudden moments from someone else's story
Will it ever be the same again?
Hours filled with conversation, no attention paid
Too distracting convention, no need for friends
Will it ever be the same again?
Will it ever be the same again?
You're original, with your own path